Sunday, October 19, 2008

Quiet reminders from my Heavenly Father

So yesterday after our long day at the zoo Keaton took a pretty good nap but still woke up a bit grumpy. We had to run some errands at night and he was just throwing fits, taking off his shoes right after we get them on, running and hiding under things, telling me no, hitting and pinching etc etc. I finally go him in the car and had to pin him in his car seat to buckle it which is when he hit me in the head and said go away mama. (Terrible Two's?!?!) We start on our way to Target and he's still grumpy and I'm thinking if this kid tells me no one more time I might just toss him out the car window. A minute or two later he calms down and starts singing I am a Child of God. He sings it for the next 5 minutes and now I'm crying and driving cuz I was so angry at my sweet boy. Thanks to Keaton and Heavenly Father for reminding me that none of God's children are perfect but we all deserve patience and love.

1 comment:

peachytiffers said...

That's sweet! I have had moments like that too. It's so humbling to have your child share such a sweet spirit.