Thursday, August 14, 2008


So this year for Keaton's birthday we kept it pretty simple. First because he doesn't really know the difference and second because we really don't have any friends to invite, but that's ok.
On the Sunday before his birthday we went over to Josh's apartment and he opened presents with Daddy. He got a book and a ball and a Thomas train set which he loves and plays with every day. Oh and he loves the card that sings.

Opening presents with dad

Playing with the Thomas the Train set

On Wedesday August 13th was Keaton's actual birthday. He had a doctor's appointment that day which was very traumatic, he didn't have shots or anything but maybe with all the hospital and doctor visits involved with his eye surgery he must have sensed what might happen. Anyway so Josh and I took him to Peter Piper Pizza and we had pizza and played games. Later that night (once Auntie Shalyn got off work) we had a little party at the house. Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Houston, Uncle Cooper, Auntie Shalyn and Mom were there. Keaton was so excited for his new toys he didn't eat any cake or ice cream.

Josh teased me saying that this is the backdrop for hundreds of family birthday party pictures. Oh well, we like our family birthday parties just fine. By the way, Keaton wanted hats, I think from watching Little Einsteins, "The Birthday Balloons" even the penguins wear hats in that episode. And when there isn't a hat he was also happy at the store to put cups on his head and call them hats.

Blowing out his number 2 candle. He liked this so much that after he blew it out he said "Again Again" so we lit it again. We were a little fearful, just this week he figured out how to really blow his nose and everytime he finds a napkin, tissue, even a t-shirt he was blowing his nose. We were relieved that when we said blow, nothing came out of his nose :)

Being silly eating his only bite of cake.

Quincy! He already has the Leo doll and this one was on clearance at Target for 2.58 so I figured why not. But I did not buy Annie or June, I don't think he needs to have girl dolls.

A puzzle from Cooper and Shalyn

Riding his new bike. I thought the 20 minute wait of Houston putting it together was nearly going to kill Keaton. Here he is riding through the kitchen.

1 comment:

M + L said...

Happy Birthday to Keaton! I forgot his bday was in August. I LOVE that your Mom is wearing a bday hat at this party. So cute! Keaton sounds like a smart kid. I think he gets that from his Momma!