Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

Instead of making gingerbread or using graham crackers I bought a kit. Really I thought it would be cheaper than buying all kids of different candies. The house was already put together and there were only 3 choices of candy and not really enough frosting to do the cool things they showed in the picture. But at 2 years old, it was enough for Keaton. He loved putting these little round candies on the roof but ate many of the gum drops.

Always a ham...we're constantly working on the smile. I hope by the time he's in school we manage to get a real "natural" smile. Usually he smiles with his eyes squinted. When we tell him to open his eyes then we end up with this funny smile. Gotta love it!

1 comment:

peachytiffers said...

I love seeing little kids' gingerbread houses. His is really good! I love those kits too!