Thursday, December 9, 2010

Moving right along...SEPTEMBER

Do you know how Jay and I met....well we met online on one of those silly LDS dating websites.  I was embarrassed to tell people at first but the reality is, once Keaton's dad moved my every other weekend was gone and even when I had my parents watch him, where was I really supposed to go to meet anyone.  So there you have it.  We started emailing in March, texting and talking on the phone the beginning of April and our first "date" was bowling.  It was a public place to meet and pretty low key.  Anyway, we bowled three games.  The first one was a little uncomfortable but soon we were warmed up and able to laugh and joke and have a good time and I kicked some booty.  So we decided to do dinner at Olive Garden, had no problems talking and kept that up as we went for a walk at Tempe Town Lake.  And that's how our little story began.   Well these are not from that time but we have been bowling several more times since. 
This was a time we took Keaton.
I think Keaton took this picture for us. 
K-man going for a big strike. 
Keaton also took this picture.  I really like it.  He has a huge goofy grin and since you can only see half my face I think I look pretty good too, well my eyes look good anyway.

Another fun Saturday in September was our trip to the zoo.  Jay had told me how much he hated the Phoenix Zoo.  But since I had a membership and it was free, it was something to do with all the kids.  I have taken this picture of Keaton for the last three years.  
He's getting to be such a big boy.  (As a forgotten side note, at his 4 year well check he was 95 percentile in weight and 92nd percentile in height) 

Here are our babies with the mama wallaby
Jay wresting the elephant and the children at the same time.  What a stud.
 Me and my little man.

 So unfortunately we both have cars that are 10+ years old and not always the most reliable.  On this special occasion we  rented a truck to move some stuff and to go down to Tucson to visit family...our sonic kids meals had this fun little disguise.  We have such a good time together!

 Last but not least.....WE GOT ENGAGED!  Back to the top of this post, since our first date was at the bowling alley, Jay proposed to me there.  He said we were meeting friends apparently they were running late so we went ahead and started without them.   Turns out they weren't ever coming of course and he proposed to me at the end of our game.   I was a little shocked and since I am totally not a public person felt kind of embarrassed and speechless, even though no one else around us was really paying attention. 

And there you have it.....a little more insight into our love story and the beginning of our lives together.

Coming Soon - Two Weddings and Halloween.


Lori Thompson said...

LOVE IT! Great story! So happy that you guys are happy!!

Shay said...

I can't believe I didnt know this (in my defense, your own brother didn't know either;-)) What a cute story! said...

Deanna it's so awesome! And you DO look good in the picture with Keaton that he took. I love that picture! And it's all good that you met your man on the Internet--I'm happy for you!!!