Sunday, November 21, 2010


Spent 4th of July weekend up in Utah seeing my new neice.  Drove there with these people...crazy times let me just tell you!
Beautiful weather to play at the park or in the water in the backyard.
We also took a trip to an air force museum.  The planes were huge and the boys absolutely love it!

And it was cool enough at night to enjoy s'mores around the fire pit, although dumb daylight savings it never gets dark!

 That night we let off some sparklers in the street. 

 And before we left we had to at least try to take some group photos.  Working with 3 kids under 3, not the easiest thing to do.

My phone was very busy and it kept bothering Melissa that I was texting all day long,  I was missing hanging out with this guy.  He must have been missing me too cuz he had to find a stand in girlfriend...but look at her face...I'm way better looking if I do say so myself.
Ok only 4 months behind now...more to come hopefully sooner than later.

1 comment:

Shay said...

Okay, I am going to have to beat you up for that picture of my face BEAT RED! HA! But the picture of Jay next to the mannequin is HILARIOUS! You are definitely 50,000 times more gorgeous! Cute pics!