Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My, Oh MyEYE

My poor kid doesn't have any luck when it comes to health. Of course I don't want to jinx us, he has a healthy heart, no major allergies, etc. But he seems to always have something going on. He had so many ear infections his first ear that when we switched insurance companies they won't cover any form of "otitis" for TWO years. He also had bronchitis (probably RSV) when he was 5 months old so we've had a nebulizer since then. At 16 months he broke the snow globe and had six stitches. Then we found the cyst in his eye and that eye surgery happened just before he turned two. And a variety of other small things that normal kids get. Well just this month he was having a hard time breathing and had this really nasty dry barking cough so we went through a couple days of breathing treatments at the beginning of last week.

Now to the present time. Keaton's eye was starting to get all goopey on Sunday afternoon. We put some AzaSite drops that were left over from his surgery, meant to prevent infection. Monday morning he woke up screaming at 5 am...his eye stuck closed with all the goop. So I called the doctor at 8:30 am. They had no openings until 7:15 at night! I thought about taking him to urgent care but didn't know how expensive that would be and no one answered at the insurance company. So I bought some homeopathic stuff from walgreens that seemed to work ok. This morning his eye was stuck again but cleaned off easily and didn't look so bad. Well when I picked him up from daycare, she had him in a separate room from the other kids watching a movie rather than playing with the kids. His eye was swollen and totally nasty drippy and stuff. So I took him to urgent care.

The verdict: conjunctivitis (pink eye), otitis (ear infection), and peri-orbital infection (something to do with his eyes being all puffy, maybe sinus) After two prescriptions (one that was 65 bucks and didn't have a generic) and a shake from Burger King we're relaxing watching Kung Fu Panda and I'm feeling bad I didn't pay more attention yesterday.
Ta Da...here he is...complete with dirty shirt and a booger nose!


Addy said...

Poor little guy. Ethan has a nasty cough and a faucet for a nose right now. Being sick stinks... I think it stinks even more when you're so little.

Heather said...

aw man! Poor Keaton! Is he feeling better at least? Hope the antibiotics kicked in quick!

p.s. tickled to find that you blog!!

d.jo said...

I love little boy faces! Tyson has had a runny nose, too, and he always gets dirt or food or whatever you can think of all over his face, and there's still a goose-egg knot on his forehead from a few weeks ago. I now understand and appreciate that phrase "Thank Heaven for little boys", because there's nothing else like them!