Thursday, October 8, 2009


We have been enjoying the cool weather and starting to get into the Halloween season. Here are a few fun things we've done.

First we made a little sign Keaton helped glue the papers together then he did all the stamping and stickering himself. (kept him busy for maybe 20 minutes of conference Sunday) We decided to hang it on the bedroom door.

Well that didn't take long enough so we went on to his pumpkin. He was very proud of its face and super excited to put in on the table and spread the leaves.

Then the next day for FHE treats we made orange jello that we cut into small cubes and put inside these cute little jack-o-lantern oranges. Mine aren't as cute as the picture I saw on the Internet but you get the idea. We made 5 and Keaton told me each time what the shape for the eyes and nose should be and if it was sad, happy or scary. He loved passing these out to everyone that night.

My next project... I need to scrapbook the last two years of Halloween before this one comes!!!!

1 comment:

Lori Thompson said...

CUTE! I was just chatting with some of the ladies from the ward saying we need to make a cute Halloween craft! Let's get together!