Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chocoholic Laughs

Ok here's a story nost chocolate lovers can relate to.

The other day Keaton and I shared a bag of peanut M&M's on the way home from the store. Which of course leaves very colorful fingers on the boy but that's not the funny part.

The next morning as we were getting into the car Keaton saw the wrapper (my car is not very clean) and grabbed it as he opened it up he said "HUH!?! Oh, they're all gone. I'm sad." I asked why he was sad and he said "I miss the chocolate in my mouth"

He seriously had a very sad expression on his face and used a low, quiet type voice. Very cute. He is totally a chocoholic though, he'd choose chocolate over any other kind of treat.

Who teaches him these eating habit anyway?


Marisa said...

M&Ms are the best...I too am a little sad when they're all gone!

Unknown said...

Smart kid and a fun memory!